By default, the program generates the Repeatable Mapkey code from the list below.
Create a mapkey in Creo and replace variable value (e.g.: name of model, layer name, etc.) by %myvariable% as example below.
In this exmaple we would like to open many models from the list.
Note: do not forget to add a trailing backslash at the end of your script.

Creo MultiMapkey - 4K Side | Utility

Keyboard shortcut for Custom MultiMapkey:


Input mapkey with variable Text: %myvariable%
mapkey(continued) ~ Command `ProCmdModelOpen` ;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Trail `UI Desktop` `UI Desktop` `DLG_PREVIEW_POST` `file_open`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Input `file_open` `Inputname` `%myvariable%`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Update `file_open` `Inputname` `%myvariable%`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Command `ProFileSelPushOpen_Standard@context_dlg_open_cmd` ;\

List of Creo objects names:
Insert models' names. The file description can be included (prt, asm, drw)
Comment: If you need to generate a list of all files in a folder, use Command: dir /s /b /o:gn >list.txt

For example:


Generated Mapkey Code:

The mapkey code can be added, for example, to the end of the file in your Creo configuration.

The Custom Repeatable Mapkey Generator uses the variable %myvariable% and replace in predefined field where your custom Mapkey is defined.