
…if you create an assembly and you will modify it .. sometimes the system creates dependencies between old components and you can find some “problematic objects” (in a Workspace as Ghost objects)

Here is the quick solution – how I solved it for our Creo configuration (assembly mode):

  1. I have set the configuration option: grv_default_view dependencies
  2. Defined new mapkey “cg” Clear Ghosts (this mapkey jumped into the Reference viewer window and there I Break Dependencies)

mapkey cg @MAPKEY_NAMEClear Ghosts;@MAPKEY_LABELBreak Dependencies;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Command ProCmdInfoProGRV ;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Select pro_grv_dlg RefDepRadioGrp1 Dependencies;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Trail UI Desktop UI Desktop GRVUI Select: 7 ‘pro_grv_dlg’ \ mapkey(continued) ‘GraphDrawingArea’ ‘CURR_NODE’ ” 263 169 8;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Trail UI Desktop UI Desktop GRVUI Select: 7 ‘pro_grv_dlg’ \ mapkey(continued) ‘GraphDrawingArea’ ‘CURR_NODE’ ” 263 169 32;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Close pro_grv_dlg RMBNodeMenuPane;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Activate pro_grv_dlg RMBNodeBrkDepBtn;\ mapkey(continued) ~ FocusIn UI Message Dialog confirm;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Activate UI Message Dialog confirm;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Activate pro_grv_dlg pro_grv_dlg;\ mapkey(continued) ~ Activate pro_grv_dlg ClosePushButton;

  1. Save model

In the drawing is not possible to remove ghosts so easily as in the previous example – but I have found a quick solution for a drawing too:

  1. Create a new EMPTY drawing (set name as “removed_ghost.drw” – for example)
  2. Merge new drawing with original *.drw file (problematic drawing): Layout > Import Drawing/Data
  3. Delete First Sheet
  4. Save drawing
  5. Delete the original *drw file from the Workspace
  6. Rename removed_ghost.drw to the original file name
    The system will inform you that same name exists – it is OK. Your “new drawing” is without Ghosts Objects – Update these objects as “reuse” windchill function
  7. Check-In modified drawing into WCH (without Ghost Objects)

Note: remove ghosts from a drawing is possible to run with custom Mapkey too

I hope that my solutions will help you to remove Ghost Objects from the assemblies and drawings.

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